Sunday, July 22, 2007


Østerbrogade 57 at 2.30 am

adding this the next day you can see the two phots full size here:- screeech screeech bang - a photoset on Flickr

screaming brakes and a bang was what I heard at about 2:30 am whilst sitting in my garden drinking a cold glass of white wine

I rushed in to my kitchen and grabbed my mobile phone in case an ambulance was needed

when I got to the scene of the accident, a policeman had the situation under control so I took these two snaps and went home.
As a test back in my garden I blogged one of them directly from my new phone Picture of the day: Accident

0045 3166 1936

and received an sms with a token for Blogger: Blogger Mobile whenI logged on it gave me the option of moving the blog post and linking the new blog to an existing account
which I did

Friday, April 27, 2007

soup chicken and

self portrait

end of course show

26 April 2007
Holbæk art school - 89 photos on Flickr


Højskolen har til huse i den gamle Holbæk Slot Ladegaard, hvis historie kan føres tilbage til år 1200, hvor der har eksisteret bebyggelse på stedet.
Den nuværende hovedbygning er med visse væsentligeændringer opført i slutningen af 1700 tallet.
Et bygningsareal på ca. 8.800 m2 danner rammen om værksteder, studielokaler og beboelse for kursister og lærere.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

needed new mouse

Nordhavn train station Copenhagen near the computer store

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

todays picture

I am continuing to blog my life in pictures too and SNAPS 3
is to be the vehicle for one "best" picture each day
the BIG pictures are via my computer and the smaller ones directly from the videophone even on a bus or train

as you see I am back on line thanks to COMX.DK

on a number 15 bus

passing TIVOLI gardens in Copenhagen

Monday, April 23, 2007

Vipperød near Holbæk on Zealand in Denmark

taken from a train window and blogged from the train too

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dead or alive

Cutting down the bamboo after it has flowered and set seed reveals new vistas

Saturday, April 21, 2007

On the road again


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bus stop

New paint on Bosworth Drive